I'm writing an audio program in c++ with the juce framework and I'm able to successfully encrypt and decrypt. Juce has a function CreateKeypair: https://docs.juce.com/master/classRSAKey.html in the docs there is suggested code on how to encrypt in php or java but untested. The createpair spits out a private and public key but the keys are split into 2 hex parts to be used with BigIntegers. Now I'm trying to write the encryption in node.js so I it's more secure. I'm not sure the math is correct, the code runs but the encryption key generated in the node code differs from the one on my local machine in c++. Can anyone have a look?
Working code in c++:
const juce::String encryptString (const juce::String& str)
juce::RSAKey private_key2 ("559e161f5a7bd1924f5841b7bc4947d15baa16b61b530a2e30fbbf9ca98c48029ee9be8ace0c172e20fcce9a768cbedf4a4cac72073dc21d2feb9955c52aded1,b5efef02a0471d56e89b8ba6701bb89ce2c97042fa1075a22816f72ce84a1907415e574844420892762568831bf413f6d665a957e4e23c5bef3a9f15210c660d");
auto utf8 = str.toUTF8();
auto* utf8Address = utf8.getAddress();
juce::MemoryBlock plainMemoryBlock(utf8Address, utf8.sizeInBytes());
juce::BigInteger sourceInteger;
if (!sourceInteger.isZero())
juce::BigInteger encodedInteger(sourceInteger);
std::cout << "dit heb je nodig" << sourceInteger.toString(16);
juce::MemoryBlock encodedMemoryBlock = encodedInteger.toMemoryBlock();
return encodedMemoryBlock.toBase64Encoding();
return {};
Code in node.js:
const httpss = require('https')
var bigInt = require("big-integer");
const key_part1 = '0x559e161f5a7bd1924f5841b7bc4947d15baa16b61b530a2e30fbbf9ca98c48029ee9be8ace0c172e20fcce9a768cbedf4a4cac72073dc21d2feb9955c52aded1';
const key_part2 = '0xb5efef02a0471d56e89b8ba6701bb89ce2c97042fa1075a22816f72ce84a1907415e574844420892762568831bf413f6d665a957e4e23c5bef3a9f15210c660d';
var result = 0n;
const part1 = BigInt(key_part1);
const part2 = BigInt(key_part2);
var value = BigInt('0x736968746b63617263726576656e6c6c6977736c6f6f66756f7937342d35392d62332d31392d61312d3237');
var modded = 0n;
while (value !== 0n)
result = result * part2;
var remainder = BigInt(value % part2);
value = BigInt(value / part2);
modded = bigInt(remainder).modPow(part1, part2);
result = bigInt(result) + bigInt(modded);
let data = result.toString();
let buff = new Buffer(data, 'base64');
let text = buff.toString('ascii');
And this is the function for creating the keypair:
void RSAKey::createKeyPair (RSAKey& publicKey, RSAKey& privateKey,
const int numBits, const int* randomSeeds, const int numRandomSeeds)
jassert (numBits > 16); // not much point using less than this..
jassert (numRandomSeeds == 0 || numRandomSeeds >= 2); // you need to provide plenty of seeds here!
BigInteger p (Primes::createProbablePrime (numBits / 2, 30, randomSeeds, numRandomSeeds / 2));
BigInteger q (Primes::createProbablePrime (numBits - numBits / 2, 30, randomSeeds == nullptr ? nullptr : (randomSeeds + numRandomSeeds / 2), numRandomSeeds - numRandomSeeds / 2));
const BigInteger n (p * q);
const BigInteger m (--p * --q);
const BigInteger e (findBestCommonDivisor (p, q));
BigInteger d (e);
d.inverseModulo (m);
publicKey.part1 = e;
publicKey.part2 = n;
privateKey.part1 = d;
privateKey.part2 = n;