
Missing final newline

ธง cn

I'm very new to everything here and only got ubuntu today. Also I have no clue how to use the bit that makes it clear its code so apologies. I am trying to install git for a project and it says this:

Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree... Done
Reading state information... Done
You might want to run 'apt --fix-broken install' to correct these.
The following packages have unmet dependencies.
 git : Depends: liberror-perl but it is not going to be installed
       Depends: git-man (> 1:2.30.2) but it is not going to be installed
       Depends: git-man (< 1:2.30.2-.) but it is not going to be installed
 qemu-block-extra : Depends: qemu-system-x86 (= 1:5.2+dfsg-9ubuntu3) but 1:5.2+dfsg-9ubuntu2 is to be installed or
                             qemu-system-arm (= 1:5.2+dfsg-9ubuntu3) but it is not going to be installed or
                             qemu-system-mips (= 1:5.2+dfsg-9ubuntu3) but it is not going to be installed or
                             qemu-system-ppc (= 1:5.2+dfsg-9ubuntu3) but it is not going to be installed or
                             qemu-system-sparc (= 1:5.2+dfsg-9ubuntu3) but it is not going to be installed or
                             qemu-system-misc (= 1:5.2+dfsg-9ubuntu3) but it is not going to be installed or
                             qemu-system-s390x (= 1:5.2+dfsg-9ubuntu3) but it is not going to be installed or
                             qemu-system-x86-xen (= 1:5.2+dfsg-9ubuntu3) but it is not installable
 qemu-system-gui : Depends: qemu-system-x86 (= 1:5.2+dfsg-9ubuntu3) but 1:5.2+dfsg-9ubuntu2 is to be installed or
                            qemu-system-arm (= 1:5.2+dfsg-9ubuntu3) but it is not going to be installed or
                            qemu-system-mips (= 1:5.2+dfsg-9ubuntu3) but it is not going to be installed or
                            qemu-system-ppc (= 1:5.2+dfsg-9ubuntu3) but it is not going to be installed or
                            qemu-system-sparc (= 1:5.2+dfsg-9ubuntu3) but it is not going to be installed or
                            qemu-system-misc (= 1:5.2+dfsg-9ubuntu3) but it is not going to be installed or
                            qemu-system-s390x (= 1:5.2+dfsg-9ubuntu3) but it is not going to be installed or
                            qemu-system-x86-xen (= 1:5.2+dfsg-9ubuntu3) but it is not installable
E: Unmet dependencies. Try 'apt --fix-broken install' with no packages (or specify a solution).

So I ran:

sudo apt --fix-broken install

and got this:

dpkg: unrecoverable fatal error, aborting:
 files list file for package 'qemu-block-extra' is missing final newline
E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (2)

Can anyone help? I know other people have this problem but with different what I'm guessing is the package (like I said, I'm new), where mine says quemu-block-extra.

Please dumb it down as much as possible for me.

user535733 avatar
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Christian Ehrhardt avatar
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ดูเหมือนข้อมูล apt repository ที่เสียหาย ปัญหานี้ยังคงอยู่หลังจาก `apt update` หรือไม่
ธง cn

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