
Why doesn't throughput improve from adding additional web servers?

ธง br

I have a load balancer with a dedicated cpu that distributes traffic to two linodes with shared cpus. I'm testing a template website with 9 lazy loaded images, no database queries, that's been optimized to score 100 on pagespeed, A on gtmetrix, and loads in under 1 second.

While testing the website with the shared cpu, it performs as expected, around 1k rps with or without ssl, using nginx.

However, while testing the load balancer on the dedicated cpu, it performs strangely, around 200 rps with ssl, and around 500 rps without ssl, using nginx. It gets even stranger because the performance is cut in half while using haproxy.

I have tried using tcp and http mode in both nginx and haproxy but the performance is the same. It also doesn't appear to improve throughput by adding additional web server...

Could someone please help me understand this behavior? And hopefully, provide guidance to resolve it?

ab, wrk, traceroute, mtr, free, vmstat, htop:

nginx http configuration:

nginx tcp configuration:

haproxy http configuration:

haproxy tcp configuration:


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